
Are you getting the most protection from your PPE?

Personal protection equipment (PPE) has been widely discussed alongside social distancing and other public health measures brought into play in the effort to limit the spread of COVID-19. Face masks, disposable gloves and protective clothes have been used across the healthcare industry and more widely by the general public to reduce the risk of community transmission and protect more vulnerable individuals such as the elderly, children and those with underlying health conditions. Often used to create a physical barrier against airborne respiratory secretions or potentially contaminated surfaces, studies have shown that when used correctly, PPE can significantly reduce the risk of an individual contracting and spreading the virus. Alongside a comprehensive range of commercial kitchen supplies, Fildes Food Safety stocks a range of personal protection equipment approved for use both within the healthcare industry and by the general public.

Face masks

As research increasingly shows the efficacy of face masks in limiting person-to-person transmission of the virus, the Victorian government have revised their guidelines to advise that face masks should be worn in indoor public spaces.

Get the maximum protection from your surgical mask:

  1. Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds or cleanse the hands with a sanitiser containing over 60% alcohol
  2. Place the mask over your mouth and nose, making sure the coloured side is outward
  3. Secure with loops around the ears or tie the upper and bottom strings behind the crown of your head and nape of your neck respectively
  4. Pinch the thick strip at the top of the mask over the bridge of your nose so that the mask is secure and tight against the skin
  5. Avoid touching the mask whilst you are wearing it to avoid contamination
  6. When ready to dispose of the mask, remove and handle the mask by the ear loops or ties and place it into the bin
  7. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitiser

Disposable gloves

Disposable gloves protect the hands from contaminated surfaces and thus help to prevent the spread of infection. Used widely in the hospitality and healthcare industries, disposable gloves are also a popular item of PPE used by the general public to reduce the risk of infection in high-traffic areas or on public transport. An individual may also wish to wear disposable gloves when taking care of someone who is sick, particularly when disinfecting the area around the sick person or surfaces that they are likely to have touched.

Top tips for the correct use of disposable gloves:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after wearing the gloves
  • Dispose of the gloves in a lined bin. Disposable gloves should not be disinfected or used more than once
  • At a minimum, disposable gloves should be replaced every 30 minutes to reduce the spread of potentially harmful microorganisms

Infrared body thermometers

The use of an infrared body thermometer allows for an individual’s temperature to be taken before they are permitted to enter a public space such as a store, school, or restaurant. The contactless technology of this infrared body thermometer provides an accurate temperature reading in less than a second without contaminating the device to minimise the risk of community transmission through contact with someone who is potentially sick. A good body thermometer will feature a fever alarm to notify the user that a sick person may require ongoing observation or care. It should be noted that government guidelines state that a high temperature is 38°C or over. Another advantage of using an infrared body thermometer is that with a built-in memory chip, the temperature of a sick person can be recorded and monitored over a period of time to detect any changes in their condition allowing for more suitable care.

Sanitising products

To get the most out of sanitising products, whether using them to clean the hands or disinfect surfaces, it is important to remember that not all sanitisers are created equally. To be effective against bacteria and viruses, a sanitiser must contain over 60% alcohol. This surface sanitiser has a high alcohol solution that kills microorganisms in less than one minute and destroys bio-films, fats and oils which can often impede the effectiveness of sanitisers.

Fildes Food Safety stock high-quality hospital approved PPE products amongst a range of other commercial kitchen supplies to prevent the spread of potentially harmful microorganisms and protect the general public. Get in touch or speak to your Fildes Food Safety representative to place an order today.


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